Farkouh.NET - the online home of the Farkouh family
What is my email address?

You have an email address of: <yourname>@farkouh.net

How do I read my email?

When email is sent to you at Farkouh.NET the message is stored by our server.

Your email is stored on the Farkouh.NET you have two ways to read it:

  1. Use the Webmail interface.
  2. Use your existing email client (e.g. Outlook, Thunderbird, Eudora, Netscape etc.).
    You will need to use the following settings:
    • Mailbox Protocol: POP3 or IMAP4
      Security SSL
      (the POP3 protocol downloads the messages to your computer, the IMAP4 protocol stores the messages on the Farkouh.NET server.)
    • Incoming mail server: mail.farkouh.net
    • Outgoing mail server: mail.farkouh.net (our SPF policy prevents you from sending email via any other email server).
    • Username: <as supplied>
    • Password: <as supplied>

How do I send email using my Farkouh.NET email address?
  1. Use the Webmail interface.
  2. You can also use your existing email client, just change your "Email Address" and "Reply To Address" to <yourname>@farkouh.net and send the messages via the server mail.farkouh.net using your username and password.
Note: The outgoing SMTP mail server uses SMTP authentication. Therefore, you will need to enter your login details to unlock the server when sending messages, use SSL encryption.

What is my Web Site Address?

The address for your web site is:

For example, my name is 'alex', so my web address is:

How do I uploading my web pages?

All users have a private FTP account set up on the web server which allows access to your own Web page storage area. To upload your pages, you should start an FTP session to <yourname>.farkouh.net you will be asked for your username and password.

When the FTP session is open, you then simply use FTP to transfer your pages into the area. Remember to use ASCII or Text mode to upload the HTML or PHP pages, and Binary or Image mode for graphics files.

To upload you pages you can use a FTP client such as the free FileZilla client, which you can download from https://filezilla-project.org/.

How do I write my pages?

Web pages have traditionally been written in a markup language called HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language). An online tutorial to get you started is available at https://www.w3schools.com/html/

Your main homepage should be called index.html or index.htm so that our webserver knows which file to show people when they request your site.

You can't put any spaces in filenames. If you want to separate words then please use a hyphen (-).

The server hosting our web sites is UNIX based and is therefore case sensitive. This means that when you are linking in files you must make sure that the filenames match.

PHP support is available, this allows dynamic websites to be built. Just use the .php or .pxhtml file extension (for example index.php or index.pxhtml for your homepage). Short tags have been disabled for XML compatibility so you will need to use the long <?php starting tag. Further information is available at https://www.php.net/ and https://www.w3schools.com/php/

This site is written in PHP scripted XHTML or PXHTML. Further information is available at https://www.w3.org/ and https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_xhtml.asp

Can I have a database for my website?

Our websites can use the MySQL database system if required for your application, please enquire with the Farkouh.NET administrator for complete details. if you think you would like to use a database.

Can I have a Farkouh.NET website without learning coding?

We can install a content management system on your website at http://<yourname>.farkouh.net/ that allows you to generate and maintain a very high quality website, ideal for applications such as a personal blog for example, you may like WordPress as this is a very commonly used CMS and is easy to use with no coding knowledge. If you need any help with designing your website on Farkouh.NET, please feel free to ask the administrators, we are here to help.

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